Google Webmaster Tools provides website owners with an abundance of invaluable data. This free service makes it possible to track and improve search engine rankings. GWT can alert you of critical problems on your site, such as traffic spikes, 404 errors, unnatural links and malware alerts.

Technical SEO tools can also assist in fixing technical SEO issues such as duplicate title tags.

Keyword Research

Conducting keyword research is one of the key elements to creating content that drives traffic to your site. SEOs use keywords to determine whether there is demand for certain pages, making this an integral step in content production.

SEO professionals rely on tools such as the Google Keyword Planner and Search Console’s query data to locate relevant keywords. These tools display monthly search volume (MSV), which represents an average of all searches over an annual period.

Some of these tools also allow you to filter out high-volume keywords that might prove too competitive, enabling you to focus on low-hanging fruit with maximum return on your time investment. Furthermore, these tools give an idea of the competition level for any keyword being considered and provide insight into their difficulty level for rankability.

Crawl Errors

Once your website is verified in Webmaster Tools, this platform offers a wealth of data and insights into its health – such as errors that prevent search engines from indexing it properly as well as security alerts.

Webmaster Tools’ Crawl Errors section lists URLs which Google is having difficulty accessing in order of priority (with important pages at the top). This allows you to identify and address problems on your website that could be hindering SEO efforts.

If you think that you have resolved most of the issues, Webmaster Tools allows you to mark them as fixed before returning in a few days to review them again. If any errors reappear, this indicates they remain an issue and should be dealt with swiftly to maintain optimal SEO performance; tracking crawl errors quickly is key in maintaining search engine optimization as server errors could prevent search engines from accessing your site entirely and lead to lower rankings on search engine results pages.


Promoted content can make or break your SEO goals. From blog posts to massive Ultimate Guides, getting those links pointing back to your site is key for optimizing rankings.

Link Explorer can help you keep a close watch on how many links your website earns over time, giving an accurate assessment of its growth or decrease on an ongoing basis. With this tool, you can check and export a list of current links so you can determine their rate of increase or decrease over time.

As noted above, Google Webmaster Tools (GWT) will notify you of any actions Google takes against your website, such as crawl errors, unnatural links and malware alerts. It’s in your best interests to pay attention to these notifications and take any necessary actions, or else Google may penalize your site; disavowing bad links through GWT is a straightforward way of taking care of these issues quickly and easily. Visit this site to get even more Webmaster Tools on the internet.


Sitemaps are XML files that detail all pages and content on a website, providing search engine crawlers with clear paths through it to discover new or modified pages on its platform. Furthermore, sitemaps alert bots of new or modified content which reduces orphaned page counts significantly.

Webmaster Tools allows you to submit and manage sitemaps for improved indexing and ranking performance. Submit updates regularly so your content is quickly indexed by search engines when users perform related queries in search.

Webmaster Tools also provides useful data on the performance of specific pages and keywords, helping you optimize content by using average position and CTR data to create user-focused articles that align with user intent. Furthermore, you can use Webmaster Tools to remove unwanted links such as free downloadable resources for newsletter signups that would otherwise appear in search results – thus protecting important pages from appearing unrelated searches while reducing spammy content penalties on your site.