I’ve continued many times to remain in … dead connections.

And … i ask myself why …. but can’t really have an answer.

I still do that.

I simple can’t accept the end … even if I actually know that any story has a beginning, the story itself … and the end.

Today … i laugh of myself …. realising how many times it happened to ignore the signal which predicted the “death” of a certain relationship.

So … i wonder myself … am i so stupid as i look like?!

Or … i just pretend?!

Well … maybe i just balance between showing my stupidity and pretending … i am stupid.

So … i continue to negotiate with those people … even if i know that the prelude of the end … is so obvious.

And … i keep pretending.

But … those weird questions … are still into my mind.

So … what’s wrong with me?!

Hahaha …

Maybe nothing.

Maybe … that’s how we all are.

And ….

Same … as all the others idiots from this planet … i keep trying to negotiate useless things from ended stories.


Even … pathetic.

I am not … 20 anymore … and 100% I haven’t understood anything about life.

Firstly …. that all is temporary.

And … i need to understand that is time to accept that.

So … maybe i should stop being stupid … or at least stop acting stupid.

Download the book ”DISCONNECTING

… seen as un amazing trick for a beautiful life

philosophical & spiritual essays” written by the romanian writer Adrian Gabriel Dumitru for FREE.

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or www.adriangabrieldumitru.com

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