In today’s digital landscape, accessibility has become a cornerstone of ethical and legal business practices. For online store owners using platforms like Shopify, adhering to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is crucial, not only to avoid legal repercussions but also to create an inclusive shopping experience for all customers. ADA compliance in the context of an online store means making your website accessible to people with disabilities, ensuring they can interact with, navigate, and purchase products as easily as anyone else.

In this article, we will explore what ADA compliance is, why it matters for your Shopify store, how to check if your site is compliant, and actionable steps to make your online store more accessible.

What is ADA Compliance?

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a civil rights law passed in 1990 that prohibits discrimination based on disability. While the ADA initially focused on physical accessibility, such as providing ramps and elevators in buildings, its interpretation has expanded to include digital accessibility. This means that websites, especially e-commerce platforms like Shopify, are required to be accessible to people with disabilities, including those with visual, auditory, cognitive, and motor impairments.

ADA compliance for websites is not explicitly outlined in the original law, but recent lawsuits and court decisions have set a precedent, making it clear that online stores must be accessible. The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) are often used as a benchmark for ADA compliance, offering a set of standards that websites should follow to be accessible.

Why ADA Compliance Matters for Your Shopify Store

Legal Implications: Failing to comply with ADA requirements can result in lawsuits and significant financial penalties. In recent years, there has been a rise in ADA-related lawsuits against e-commerce businesses that fail to meet accessibility standards. The legal risks can be substantial, but they are preventable if you take proactive steps to ensure your site is accessible.

Improved User Experience: Making your Shopify store ADA compliant will enhance the shopping experience for all customers, not just those with disabilities. An accessible site tends to be more user-friendly, with clearer navigation, better text readability, and easier interaction with multimedia content. This can lead to higher customer satisfaction, increased sales, and a better overall brand reputation.

Expanded Customer Base: According to the World Health Organization, over one billion people live with some form of disability. By making your Shopify store accessible, you open your business to a larger, more diverse audience. Catering to customers with disabilities is not only the right thing to do ethically but also a smart business move to increase your potential market size.

SEO Benefits: Accessibility improvements often go hand-in-hand with better search engine optimization (SEO). Many elements that make a site more accessible, such as proper heading structures, alt text for images, and improved navigation, are also beneficial for SEO. This means ADA compliance can help boost your search engine rankings and drive more organic traffic to your Shopify store.

How to Check if Your Shopify Store is ADA Compliant

Before diving into the steps to improve your store’s accessibility, it’s important to evaluate its current compliance level. There are several tools and resources you can use to check your Shopify store’s accessibility:

Web Accessibility Evaluation Tools: Tools like WAVE (Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool), Axe, and Siteimprove can analyze your website for potential accessibility issues. These tools provide a detailed report on areas that need improvement, such as missing alt text, improper use of headings, or low color contrast.

Manual Testing: Automated tools are a good starting point, but manual testing is also essential. Try navigating your site using a keyboard only, without a mouse, to ensure all functions are accessible. Additionally, use screen readers like NVDA or VoiceOver to test how well your site interacts with assistive technologies.

Review WCAG Guidelines: Familiarize yourself with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1, which provide detailed information on how to make your website accessible. These guidelines are divided into three levels: A, AA, and AAA, with AA being the most commonly required level of compliance for businesses.

Steps to Make Your Shopify Store ADA Compliant

Use Accessible Themes: Shopify offers a variety of themes for your store, but not all are created equal when it comes to accessibility. Choose a theme that follows best practices for accessibility, such as responsive design, clear navigation, and proper color contrast. Shopify’s theme store allows you to preview and test themes before installing them, giving you an opportunity to check for accessibility features.

Add Alt Text to Images: One of the simplest yet most important steps to ensure ADA compliance is adding alt text to all images on your site. Alt text is a short description of an image that helps visually impaired users understand what the image represents when using a screen reader. Be descriptive but concise, and avoid using phrases like “image of” or “picture of.”

Ensure Keyboard Navigation: Some users with motor disabilities rely on keyboards rather than a mouse to navigate websites. Ensure your Shopify store is fully navigable using only a keyboard. All clickable elements, such as buttons, links, and forms, should be accessible via the “Tab” key, with visible focus indicators showing which element is currently selected.

Provide Accessible Forms: Forms are an essential part of e-commerce websites, especially during the checkout process. Make sure all form fields are clearly labeled, with instructions that are easy to understand. For users relying on screen readers, ensure that the labels for each field are properly coded so the screen reader can convey the necessary information.

Optimize Color Contrast: The colors used on your website should provide enough contrast between text and background to be easily readable for users with visual impairments, including color blindness. WCAG 2.1 guidelines recommend a contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1 for normal text and 3:1 for large text.

Include Video Captions and Transcripts: If your Shopify store includes video content, such as product demonstrations or tutorials, provide captions for users with hearing impairments. Additionally, offer text transcripts of the video’s content to make the information accessible to a wider audience.

Test with Assistive Technologies: Regularly test your Shopify store with assistive technologies like screen readers, speech recognition software, and magnification tools. This will help you identify any barriers that may prevent users from accessing your site’s content.

Ongoing Maintenance and Updates: ADA compliance is not a one-time task; it requires ongoing attention as you add new products, features, or content to your Shopify store. Regularly check for accessibility issues, especially after updates or changes to your site’s design. Keep Exploring how continuous evaluation and adaptation can ensure your Shopify store remains accessible and inclusive for all users.


Ensuring ADA compliance on your Shopify store is not just about meeting legal requirements; it’s about creating an inclusive and user-friendly shopping experience for everyone. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can make your online store more accessible, improve user satisfaction, and open your business to a larger audience. ADA compliance is an ongoing commitment, but the rewards—both ethically and financially—are well worth the effort.